Saturday, 26 March 2011

NMES and Post Stroke Recovery

We were not planning on blogging today but would love for you all to see this particular movie. After having read so much literature in regards to NMES and the positive outcomes it can achieve in patients post stroke, we found it so refreshing to be able to finally visibly observe the life changing effect NMES has had on this particular stroke patient. Although this movie is not specific to upper limb recovery as it demonstrates restoring dorsiflexion of the foot, we could not help but share this exciting find! The movie is in Spanish, however, we feel visually it effectively portrays NMES improving function of the foot by electrically evoking muscle contractions, thus increasing muscular strength of the hemiparetic limb. ENJOY!

Next blog will be reviewing the literature which demonstrates supportive evidence towards the NMES treatment of the upper limb recovery post stroke.

Meg and Hayley.

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't make sens of the video because my Spanish is so bad. Did you see something useful there? CY
